A stranger’s kindness means the world

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How many of you can relate to meeting people that you hardly know and feeling touched by their kindness & empathy. Empathy isn’t something that can be faked. It shines through!The way a person talks, the way they smile or the way they listen can recharge your lonely batteries and fill your heart with hope. A true gem of a person is loved by many and is also incredibly sensitive and emotional. They are a thoughtful, gentle person who offers to help without anything in it for them. They do it because they feel your need, they sense your struggle and they are fulfilled by offering what they can.

I’ve experienced this feeling with my therapists and with very distant family. I’ve experienced this from wonderful doctors in moments of illness. I’ve experienced this from complete strangers on the street where I once fainted due to heat stroke.There are many moments in my life which have been made easier and more bearable due to people who have genuinely cared. Some of these people I am also privileged to call my followers on this blogging platform and other social media.

When someone understands you and there is a true connection, it is treasured. Unfortunately this isn’t felt with people who have NPD, even if they are family.There is a huge difference between helping someone with money, donating to charity or supporting someone with superficial means. This isn’t the same as having true empathy.

I am very much aware of the difference over the years as I instantly feel energised and supported if I am with the right people and low and depleted when in contact with toxic people or family members.

The love of strangers can sometimes save us from utter devastation and complete self-destruction. I value these people more than they will ever know. I value YOU!

If you are in the mood for a wonderful film that will possibly bring tears to your eyes, then check out the link below::
