INFJ-Personality type!


After sorting through all my paperwork from years and years ago, I came across a personality test I had done when I was 18. It was done by a lovely lady who was trying to help me find out what I wanted to study, after leaving school.

I will not include that exact paper on here, as it was unfortunately done in Greek but I have just re-done the personality test online and I invite all my readers to do one too 🙂 Luckily, I got the same result as when I was 18 which shows the stability of one’s personality.advocate-personality-infj-a-t-16personalities

These are my results:

General personality description for the INFJ:

Strengths & weaknesses




Career path

Workplace habits


I would like to invite all my readers to do a personality test by clicking on this link too.I think this is a great way to get to know other bloggers on a more personal level 🙂

So what do you say?

If you do decide to take part, please refer people back to this blog 🙂

Thank you ♥

Any other INJF’S or Diplomats out there?

Love Athina ♥

© All blog posts and images are owned by My Child Within-Healing from trauma and Courage Coaching (my work blog). Please don’t use without consent and only re-blog if you would like to use the information on here.

6 thoughts on “INFJ-Personality type!

  1. I too am an INFJ. Just like you, I did this personality test the first time around the age of 18 or 19, and recently tried it again to see if the results would be the same, which it was. The reason why I recently tested myself again was because I read in one of the groups for Adult Children of Narcissistic Parents that the most common personality type of the children of Narcissistic parents are INFJ. And what’s interesting is INFJ personality type is the RAREST of all the types, though the most COMMON in the scapegoats of ACONs (Adult Children of Narcissists).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve also taken this test a couple of times. When I was 19 and then again last year. Like you, I got the same results the second time around. I’m the one just next to you. An INFP. My lovely lady is also an INFP, which is probably why we connect on such a deep level. I love these personality tests. 🙂


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