People with intellectual disabilities are even more likely to be abused..

It is very close to my heart to talk about people with special needs, as my brother is one of them.

It is important to raise awareness of how much more prevalent abuse is amongst those with intellectual disabilities or special needs.

One in three children with an identified disability for which they receive special education services are victims of some type of maltreatment (i.e., either neglect, physical abuse, or sexual abuse) whereas one in 10 non-disabled children experience abuse. Children with any type of disability are 3.44 times more likely to be a victim of some type of abuse compared to children without disabilities. (Sullivan & Knutson, 2000).

Looking specifically at individuals with intellectual disability, they are 4 to 10 more times as likely to be victims of crime than others without disabilities (Sobsey, et al., 1995). One study found that children with intellectual disability were at twice the risk of physical and sexual abuse compared to children without disabilities (Crosse et. al., 1993).

Children may not report abuse because they don’t understand what abuse is or what acts are abusive. Communication problems that are part of many disabilities also make it difficult for children to understand and or verbalize episodes of abuse.If there is very limited communication, then these children are even more prone to abuse as they can’t even speak.

Another thing to consider is that disability can increase vulnerability to abuse, mainly because of the way society views disabled or special needs individuals.

We have to protect those more vulnerable children as well as all others..They deserve equal protection!

Love Athina ♥

7 thoughts on “People with intellectual disabilities are even more likely to be abused..

  1. Definitely a great post and topic to shed light on! Do you know if there’s any research on who is likely to be the abuser? I had a conversation recently about how child care workers are so poorly paid, but given such great responsibility. Are the abusers trained professionals (intervention specialists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, etc.) or aides with little formal training (not saying more trained = better quality person)? Most likely a mixture, but it would be interesting to see research and see where changes can be made.

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    • When I wrote this post, I didn’t find research on who the abusers might be in the work environment, all I can say is that even professionals in the social work or mental health fields can indeed be abusive. My brother, who has special needs suffered 2 separate abusive incidents from care staff that looked after him..I will definetely look into research, as I am interested in finding out more. My brother and I both had abusive parents, so it happens at home too. Thanks for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it.

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  2. I had never thought about this and it makes me really mad. Why are the defenseless taken advantage of when they are the ones who need protecting. It also makes me angry that there are SO MANY abusers out there that are okay with abuse. Thanks for putting this out there. It will make me more vigilant.

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  3. It’s incredibly heartbreaking to know this is a problem. But it’s great that others shine a light on it that not just able bodied minded(I am so sorry if that’s offensive? ? children are at risk.
    But they too don’t have a voice and sometimes can’t. I haven’t read much on the topic myself.

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